
Oprah Launches First-Ever “Weight Loss Gummy” in Partnership with Weight Watchers After Being Forced to Lose 60 LBS in Just Weeks

Oprah's dramatic weight loss transformation after losing 62 lbs in 30 days. She's giving away free bottles of her new fat burning sensation for a limited time only.

(Time) - In an insightful 1-on-1 interview, one of the world’s most prominent talk show hosts reveals how she forced Weight Watchers to create a transformational weight loss product the world has never seen before. She's even giving away free bottles for a limited time only...

Gifted host, and business genius, Oprah Winfrey, made headlines after bringing the first ever “Weight Loss Gummy” to the market on live TV last week in memory of her heart failure just last year. Ever since Oprah was forced to lose 60 lbs due to her heart failure risk, Winfrey and her team have been working alongside the team at Weight Watchers to develop a better weightloss product that helps people quickly lose weight and keep it off for good.

Oprah’s been an investor in Weight Watchers since 2015, however, after her personal experience being forced to lose weight quickly, she wanted to find a better way since the Weight Watchers program just wasn’t cutting it.

“Diet and exercise are good and healthy, but when you need to lose weight as fast as possible like I had to, then you really need something that’s going to accelerate the process. With my busy schedule I couldn't waste time counting calories or spending hours at the gym. So, I called the CEO of Weight Watchers and said ‘if you can’t create a product that helps people lose weight faster without diet and exercise, then I’m backing out of my investment and moving on.”

After over a year of research and development, the Weight Watchers team was finally able to answer Oprah's demand with the first-ever weight loss gummy product, Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies. A once-a-day gummy supplement taken in the evening that works while you sleep. The unique combination of ketosis-inducing chemicals along with Apple Cider Vinegar extract has been proving to be an incredible transformation agent (see our before and after results below).

“When I started Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies back in 2021, I was on a mission to see if I could find something to help speed up weight loss and improve health quicker than the stuff currently on the market. Nobody realized but my original show "The Oprah Winfrey Show" was canceled because the producers were not happy with my weight and appearance... I fell into a deep depression. To make things worse, I was forced to drop over 60 lbs when my doctors told me I was in the highest risk of immediate heart failure if I did not lose the weight.”

Oprah's recent transformation (pictured below) has inspired the TV celebrity to give back to her fans and help them lose weight and live a happier life.

“It's my mission to make an impact on the world not only for myself but so others would not have to suffer. After being given so much, I figured there was no better time to make Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies available to everyone, as it has already helped millions of people melt huge amounts of body fat, and it can help millions more. If I have to step away from television to keep this moving forward, I will because it's not about the money you's about giving people a second chance at life and the confidence to LIVE!”

Her product, Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies, has been flying off the shelves within minutes and Oprah Winfrey says her number one struggle as CEO is being able to keep up with demand. Her Keto weight loss line is 90% cheaper and five times more effective than those being offered by Herbalife and other established weight loss companies.

Oprah Winfrey appeared on Live TV again the next day, not to apologize, but to offer viewers exclusive Free bottles.

“Our product, Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies, has helped me lose over 60 lbs, improve my health and thrive! I couldn't have done it without the love and support of my family and friends who have fought with me every step of the way, I truly love and adore them. I am so confident in it that I’m offering exclusive Free bottles to everyone. Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies is the product of thousands of hours of research and development. I wouldn’t talk about something on air I don’t believe in and recommend it to my friends and family.”

Oprah Winfrey eventually admitted that established weight loss titans are furious with her after noticing a large decline in sales since Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies was launched on the market.

“Users of Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies are experiencing results that before now were only possible through dangerous weight-loss surgeries. It’s obviously a much cheaper, and safer alternative and because of that millions of women across the country are able to see incredible results in a really short time frame.”

Oprah's words coupled with online reports of amazing results got us curious about Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies so we did some research — and here’s what we found.

What Is Keto Anyway?

Keto, also known as 'Ketosis', is a process in which your body naturally enters a state where it will burn fat instead of muscle. As your body focuses on burning fat for energy instead of muscle proteins, you begin to feel healthier energy because fat energy is much more nutrient-dense. A popular benefit to this is that you can eat whatever you like without worrying about calories, fat, or carbs since your body will continue to utilize them for energy.

The patent-pending formula in Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies tricks your body into entering Ketosis automatically. With just the first dose your body starts burning body fat all on it's own. Without any annoying diet or exercise!

The Hollywood Secret

Even Hollywood celebrities are getting in on the amazing weight loss benefits of Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies. They are using it to quickly burn fat and drop dress sizes before filming and promotional photo shoots. After 20+ years of filming the award winning Oprah Winfrey Show, Oprah has a deep network of celebrities and artists that were begging to get access to the product before the general public.

Melissa McCarthy commented, “I've always struggled with my weight, now that my career has taken off I needed a supplement I could take daily to keep the weight off and stop my cravings. Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies did that and more!”

Mindy Kaling could barely contain her excitement, “After having my baby I just couldn't lose the weight. Oprah has been a longtime friend and she recommended Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies before I started filming my next TV show. Simply put, this stuff works, and it has no side effects AT ALL!”

Rebel Wilson held back tears when we shared her story, “I've always been the fat, funny girl in Hollywood. I knew people were talking behind my back about my weight, and I finally had enough. 3 months taking Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies at night and now I'm the skinny, funny bitch who turns heads.”

The most dramatic change of all is definitely Adele. Who lost a total of 150 lbs using Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies.

She recently commented, “Oprah has always been a dear friend of mine. When I told her in 2021 about my struggles with losing weight, she told me about her top secret product that was still in development with Weight Watchers. She was able to ship a few bottles over the pond and I tried it out for her while they were still testing the formulation. I think you can see from my transformation the results speak for themselves!”

Now for the first time ever you can use the same, "Hollywood secret", to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. You might not have a movie to film or an award show to attend, but Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies can dramatically change your body just in time for that vacation, wedding, or just day-to-day life. It's about time your outside matches how you feel inside. You deserve it.

Yes, It Works For Men Too!

Men are experiencing massive weight loss after using Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies. Wives are even buying it as gifts to their Hubby to help get rid of the common Dad Bod!

Sean lost 52 lbs and gained muscle in the process. “I'm so busy with the family and running my business, I don't have time for the gym anymore. I just took my Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies at night and the weight melted off. I look better than I did when I was 20!”

Tyler went from a 46" waist to a 32". That's a massive reduction! “I was always the fat kid in school. When I heard about Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies I had to give it a try. I used to watch the Oprah show with my Mom so I trusted her. Now I have girls from highscool liking and commenting on my pictures on Facebook. It's hard to get used to.”

Raymond lost 32 lbs and gained his confidence back. “After getting divorced I hit a real low spot. It's hard dating now with all these apps and dating websites. I hate to say it, but your first impression really has to be good. Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies gave me my confidence back. I've met an amazing women and I'm hoping to propose soon. Wish me luck!”

It's Even Dr. Oz Approved

Oprah and Dr. Oz have a very well documented history together. Dr. Oz first appeared on Oprah's show in the early 2000's and then was given his own show after Oprah convinced the TV network that it would be successful. And boy was she right.

“9 months into working with Weight Watchers I knew I had to get my good friend Dr. Oz to check out the formula in Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies and make sure it was safe and effective for everyone to use.”

Dr. Oz was more than impressed with Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies and even talked about it on his show and talked to some guests who had experienced amazing transformations after using it:

According to Dr. Oz - Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies works in more than one way, “The first way is it goes in and causes the body to burn fat for energy, instead of carbohydrates…

The second way, the most important way, is it triggers the body to release fat cells from stubborn areas like your stomach and arms into your blood stream. So when you have fat cells circulating in the blood stream your body will use them to create energy instead of carbs. When the two are combined together, you get this synergistic effect that basically burns existing fat while blocking the production of new fat. But it's completely natural and safe. You get all the benefits of Ketosis - without the annoying diet or exercise.”

Try It For Yourself!

While Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies is selling out around the world, Oprah didn’t want our readers to miss out on experiencing these amazing weight loss benefits for themselves.

True to her generous nature, she's offering something that's making all other supplement and weight loss companies furious...

“On the Oprah Show I was proud to give away everything from laptops, cars, and even houses. Because I believe in Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies so much, I've convinced Weight Watchers that we need to give away FREE bottles so everyone can try it out!”

The way the promotion works is, simply go to the Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies website and enter your details. If you purchase a heavily discounted bottle you will get ONE for free. If you purchase a few bottles, you will get TWO for free. This is a great opportunity to share Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies with a close friend or family member, or keep the free bottles to yourself so you can shock everyone with your amazing transformation at the next get together.

You need to act quickly though - FREE bottles are limited, and this promotion EXPIRES on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Oprah concluded her interview with, “If it were up to me I would give away the product for absolutely free. But since I'm partnered with Weight Watchers on this, they demanded they make some money back with the extremely discounted bottles. They spent a year designing, developing and testing Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies and I think that's fair. Think of this minimal investment today as taking the first step towards the new you. When you look better, you will feel better, and your confidence will grow in all areas of your life. You deserve this, Love Oprah.

UPDATE: Only (6) FREE bottles remaining. Claim your free bottle of Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies now before the promotion expires on Friday, September 13, 2024!

Limited Time Offer For Our Readers
> Claim My Bottle
Promotion Ends: Friday, September 13, 2024
**UPDATE: Only (6) Free Bottles Remaining**
Ingrid McMahon 7 secs ago
This is a miracle product!!! I want to buy it too. I love Oprah. I hope there are still free bottles left!
Nicole Graeme 3 mins ago
So, what is everyone waiting for? Let’s order it girls and let’s start losing weight with Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies!
Sarah Godwit 17 mins ago
I already bought it. Check out the result. I didn’t change my diet and neither did I work out. photo before / photo after
Samantha Goldin 12 mins ago
Excellent results!
Megan Shaw 2 hours ago
The most important changes take place inside you. First, you change your outside - and then emotionally, you feel happier than ever before!
Lucy Watson 1 hour ago
I totally agree! After I started using Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies, my husband has shown interest in me again. I feel like I'm going through a second honeymoon with him, we have more sex than we did 20 years ago! The best thing about it is that losing weight requires no effort, it's so easy and convenient!
Xander White 7 hours ago
Here are my photos. I am so embarrassed how I used to look! I tried other supplements, the gym and diets, it worked but only for the short-term, and I ended up putting on even more weight after. It cost me a lot of money, time and effort. But with Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies I lost weight very quickly and very easily. First I ordered one bottle (and got one free!) and from the first day on I realized that this product really works. Then I ordered a full course, which was very affordable. Everyone should try it.
Tim McIntosh 6 hours ago
I agree! Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies works really well even in my problem areas, fat is melting off my entire body evenly. It’s pretty obvious from the first day that this product really works.
Tina Bright 12 hours ago
I'm 53, do you think this will help at my age?
Caroline Purdue 11 hours ago
It definitely will. This is the best fat burner I’ve ever tried.
Nicky Bergara 18 hours ago
Amazing product! It definitely worked for me. I came back here to share my progress for anyone who is unsure:
Nihal Dinga 14 hours ago
How long did it take you??
Nicky Bergara 13 hours ago
Less than 3 months
Chloe Smith 1 day ago
I'm so glad I found Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies! My quality of life has improved so much. I am a happy woman again... thank you Oprah and Weight Watchers!
Frida Brown 1 day ago
People think I'm only 30 years old again, if at all, this is awesome! I used to be embarrassed of my appearance, but now I am embarrassed to say that I'm 43 LOL
Nick Whitesands 2 days ago
My wife and I both got the 5 bottle package (2 free) and lost over 100 lbs between the 2 of us, and mind you without diets and gyms. This product is cool and very easy to lose weight with.
Christine Knight 3 days ago
Thanks to Optimal Keto+ACV Gummies everyone can have a beautiful and slender body, not just the few people with good genetics and a lot of free time to spend in the gym.
Alex Gill 4 days ago
It took me just 3 weeks to get my weight back under control. This is the fastest weight loss ever.
Zoey Peterson 5 days ago
It's so easy, all you need to do is follow the instructions and take 1 serving before bed! Check out my results...
Chris Jones 6 days ago
Order one bottle for cheap and you will get one bottle for free. Right away you will understand what it’s all about – the most reliable and cheap way to get back in shape.
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